The FEEL of Things J J
After too many years I found a place to get a massage… and WOW what a
massage it was (no not what you’re thinking either).
However before I get into the massage stuff I need to clarify “finding” a
massage place.
You see Chiang Mai has literally hundreds of massage places. Most…
as you can well imagine are good but…like anything else in our world…
there are always a few that don’t “quite make the grade”. This brings me
back to my search.
Even though there are untold numbers of locations that one can get a
Thai massage…most are either located in an open-ended store or
literally "falling" outside the establishment...or outside on the street
altogether. This is definitely not “my cup of tea”.
Now before I continue…a word about prices.
When I last lived here a few years ago…the price of an hour Thai massage
was somewhere in the vicinity of 100 to 150 Thai Baht. Keep in mind that I’m
talking primarily in the confines of Old Chiang Mai which by the way is a
“tourist area”…hence higher prices. Today that same one-hour Thai massage
ranges from 150 to 200 Thai Baht ($4.85 to $6.50) or higher...
for a Spa type environment.
Now back to my find J.
As I was walking on one of the main streets surrounding the moat...I
passed by a massage parlor (one that I’ve passed many times before)
and being that they weren’t open and I had a couple of things I needed to do…
I promised myself that tomorrow…I would return and treat myself.
Well tomorrow arrived and since the Massage Parlor opened at 11 a.m. and
of course I was early...I tried to keep myself busy (not easy). Now one needs to
keep in mind that most that businesses in general are opened 12 hours per day
7 days per week. Also keep in mind that "posted hours" are usually “suggestions”….
get the picture? J.
Anyway…Finally…the time came and my waiting was definitely “Not In Vain!”.
I opened this Blog with a WOW and I repeat myself….WOW J.
Madara Massage is everything one
in Thailand could want and or expect
in a Thai massage establishment.
The place is comfortably cool…the
massage pads and mats are comfortable
and closed-off too all surroundings by
sound deadening curtains. To enhance
ones experience…just the right type of
soothing eastern massage music
envelops you.
My Thai Masseuse? Well I later found
out she was employed as a Thai Masseuse
for all of three (3) months but…one would
never have guessed as she did an excellent job.
At the end of the hour…my body was screaming for moreJ… moreJ…more J.
But it wasn’t over yet. Post-massage…
I was offered a cup of green tea and a few cookies (too ehhh….rejuvenate oneself) J
All the above cost me THB200 plus a 20 Baht tip (by the way tipping is
definitely NOT expected) so…even though the 20 Baht is a paltry 65 cents…
she was thrilled.
All told the hour massage cost 220 Thai Baht or about a bit over 7 bucks. J J
By the way….yours truly will be returning to Madara Massage and Kathai
(pronounced Kah ta-eee) my masseuse...every week hence .
Meeting New People….
Since I’m “in-country” as a sort of “newbie” it helps to widen ones’ friend base.
In this case my friend TC in Cuenca, Ecuador suggested I look up a friend of
his in Chiang Mai (proves this is indeed a small world)…which is exactly what
I did. Now being that TC is (or was) in the entertainment field it came as no
surprise to me that Tom (ta-daa) is also in entertainment. In his case (Tom)
is (was) a professional “global” magician/clown. Needless to say…
Tom is now living in Chiang Mai and yes...he gets to show off his talent or
“schtick” with me as the audience? J J
After a misunderstood meeting place…Tom and I finally caught up with each
other. Like I mentioned many times in previous Blogs…friends are an important
factor in life but especially…for single Expats such as myself!
So yes…I’m glad I met Tom (thank you TC) and hopefully our budding
friendship will continue to blossom. In either case we lunched together at one
of the main shopping malls here in the Old City and killed a few hours of…
just another day as retirees J.
When it rains it pours…
So now that my list of “new” friends has at least started…well…
the list keeps on a growin’.
I had met Lionel briefly in Cuenca. Well Lionel is Chiang Mai and in fact
living in the same Hotel/Guesthouse that I am currently occupying. So…I have
someone to show the “ins ‘n outs” (teacher that I am J) of this town.
Lionel is (as too be expected) not sure if he is in fact going to stay in LOS as...
this is a completely new and alien environment for him. Anyway…time will tell and
for the moment…like I mentioned earlier I’m somewhat of a guide to Mr. L J
Anyway my friends…that’s ‘bout all for now from the other side of the world J.
Until next time…enjoy…enjoy…enjoy J J
Moving Update:
Unfortunately…it ain’t happenin’. At least…not to the previously mentioned location.
Apparently…the woman that was going to rent the place to me is being forced to leave
her current address (where she also has her Law Practice) and…
needs her house for her personal/business use.
Oh well…easy come easy go and…the search continues.
In a way...I’m happy as I really did not want to be located so far from
Chiang Mai City proper…so I’m looking at this in a positive light J.
Barry Eckers, you actually tipped. I newer thought I'd live to see the day, or at least read about it. Glad you're enjoying yourself. Good luck in the house hunting. Your amigo. Jim Mola